Thursday, February 28, 2013

CBS News Covers Rare Disease Day

CBS News has covered Rare Disease Day, February 28, 2013 with many in depth articles, patient stories, and event coverage. It is amazing to see rare diseases in the mainstream media. I do wish we would see it more often than one day a year, however. Maybe we can fight for it...for a month. Every day we live with these diseases, and every day someone is lost from a rare disease. So Bravo for CBS News for the coverage. I only hope other news organizations follow. Here is a link to the main page for the CBS News Rare Disease Day Coverage:  CBS News Rare Disease Day Coverage

A Brief Introduction

Hello, and welcome to the Let's Talk About Rare! Blog. There is not many places where a lot of information can be found in one place, and I want to help change that. Here is where I will be posting information on many rare diseases, where to find information, and stories people submit. If you want to see a rare disease covered, or you want me to add your blog to the sidebar, please shoot me a message. Please note that all content in this blog belongs to the copyright holder, and every effort will be made to assure that credit is given, and links to the articles and publications are provided. Here is hoping to find you all well.